P4C Ten Steps planning grid
How to start a question, and think about whether or not it’s philosophical
A high-quality, easy-to-access resource that gets children talking
A list of positive ideas including compassion, hope, and celebration - for use in P4C or circle time
A structure to allow all students to participate, even if sitting in a real circle isn’t an option right now.
Question Quadrant
How to start a question, and think about whether or not it’s philosophical
A high-quality, easy-to-access resource that gets children talking
A list of positive ideas including compassion, hope, and celebration - for use in P4C or circle time
A structure to allow all students to participate, even if sitting in a real circle isn’t an option right now.
Useful question stems for P4C
How to start a question, and think about whether or not it’s philosophical
A high-quality, easy-to-access resource that gets children talking
A list of positive ideas including compassion, hope, and celebration - for use in P4C or circle time
A structure to allow all students to participate, even if sitting in a real circle isn’t an option right now.
Talk Moves for teachers
From the brilliant Talk Science Inquiry Project https://inquiryproject.terc.edu/index.html
Diamond Nine ranking
Concept activity - Emotion
Thinking map - Double Bubble
Concept card grid
Packed with example discussion scenarios, this book will help you raise your facilitation game
Full of practical ideas and lovely examples of children’s words; I recommend this book
Get students to think and talk about new words in the context of what they are learning
Help your pupils explore the 2021 theme, One Kind Word
A list of positive ideas including compassion, hope, and celebration - for use in P4C or circle time
Try using a well-known story such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears as a stimulus for classroom talk or P4C
A professional development opportunity for P4C leads and teachers on Thursday 24th September
A simple way to help learners structure their talk, thinking and note-taking.
A way to explore the key concepts in a stimulus and enable children to practice building on others’ ideas.
One aspect of P4C which often gets missed is to identify the key concept in a question and then stretch it or explore it more to deepen understanding.
Concept activity – Compassion
How to start a question, and think about whether or not it’s philosophical
A high-quality, easy-to-access resource that gets children talking
A list of positive ideas including compassion, hope, and celebration - for use in P4C or circle time
A structure to allow all students to participate, even if sitting in a real circle isn’t an option right now.
P4C stems for facilitators
How to start a question, and think about whether or not it’s philosophical
A high-quality, easy-to-access resource that gets children talking
A list of positive ideas including compassion, hope, and celebration - for use in P4C or circle time
A structure to allow all students to participate, even if sitting in a real circle isn’t an option right now.