Stimulus scenario:
You have a snack that your friend really wants. They ask you to share, but you’re really hungry and don’t want to share it today.

Ask your class to imagine the scenario, or have a couple of children role play it. Ask them what it makes them wonder.
Possible questions:
Should you share your snack?
Should we always share?
Should we share everything?
Is it okay to say no sometimes?
What is most important: our own feelings or our friend’s feelings?
Big ideas / concepts include: sharing, fairness, politeness, friendship, saying no, resistance, assertiveness, generosity, kindness.
A chance for you and a colleague to win a copy of 100 Ideas: Oracy. Entries closed 2nd January 2025
Use talking points to get students thinking and talking about a painting
A great way of revisiting prior learning by speaking to different people
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An oracy game, a mental workout, and an opportunity to practise respectful challenge
Six things you can do to help pupils gain the skills and confidence to speak to a room full of people
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