Talk Prompts for thinking about new topics
One thing I know about this is…
Something I’m wondering is…
One thing I’d like to find out is…
Talk Prompts at the end of a topic
One thing I enjoyed was…
Something interesting was…
Something I learned was…
Something I am wondering now is…
Something I found challenging was…
My top three strategies to make sure every pupil speaks during whole-class learning
Get your class thinking about fairness, teamwork, competition and more
The importance of positive, transparent systems for deciding who responds
An opportunity to take your teaching to the next level
Statements to get your class thinking and talking in the lead-up to the holidays
A chance for you and a colleague to win a copy of 100 Ideas: Oracy. Entries closed 2nd January 2025
Three steps to help your class develop their listening skills
Ways to keep everyone engaged and develop the community of enquiry