I hope 2024 went well for you. Here are a few of my highlights:
The Oracy Education Commission report came out in September, recommending that oracy becomes the ‘fourth R’.
The new Government have said that oracy will be part of a revised national curriculum in England.
I published my first book – Oracy: 100 Ideas for Primary Teachers (win a copy here… I’m now working with two colleagues on a version for secondary teachers).
Interest in oracy from schools around the world at this year’s Cambridge International conference, where I co-delivered a workshop.
Sold-out public philosophy event in Sheffield (my ‘Hoops of Happiness’ activity and more info about the event here).
Helping students to speak more in university seminars, through some units I’ve been developing for the Open University.
Amazing turn-out and engagement from parents who joined in a special parent workshop on Philosophy for Children at their children’s school in Greater Manchester.
I’ve spoken about oracy on three podcasts this year, including this one on Teachers Talk Radio.

Delegates discussing my book at the Cambridge International conference

‘Hoops of Happiness’ activity at public philosophy event
I wish you a happy new year, and more pupils talking, listening, thinking and learning in 2025!
My top three strategies to make sure every pupil speaks during whole-class learning
Get your class thinking about fairness, teamwork, competition and more
The importance of positive, transparent systems for deciding who responds
An opportunity to take your teaching to the next level
Statements to get your class thinking and talking in the lead-up to the holidays
A chance for you and a colleague to win a copy of 100 Ideas: Oracy. Entries closed 2nd January 2025
Three steps to help your class develop their listening skills
Ways to keep everyone engaged and develop the community of enquiry