Presentation skills – tips from kids
Show your pupils this short, entertaining video to give them some great tips about using gestures when presenting:
Schooled by Kids: Presentation Skills, Part 2
Give them an opportunity to practise – for example, a 30 second presentation to a partner on something they feel strongly about. Can they incorporate all four gestures successfully?
Challenge them to think of some additional useful gestures. What gestures have they seen other people using? Why did they use them?
Share this 4 minute video with your Early Years colleagues
If you’re not yet doing P4C – this video will convince you. If you are, it will convince you to do more.
Simple-yet-effective techniques to get three year olds talking and keep them focused.
Starting with simple/fun questions in Early Years helps children develop the skills to consider deeper ('more philosophical') questions over time.
Lucy West of Metamorphosis TLC discussing the five types of talk that occur in classrooms, and the need for balance between them.