What do your pupils think about the idea of puppies in exercise classes?
Watch these two videos, in this order:
After each video ask them what they think. Does their thinking change?
Possible P4C questions:
Is it okay to use animals for human gain?
What makes something cute?
Should we treat things differently depending on how cute they are?
Are news investigations always helpful?
Philosophical concepts include fun, cuteness, animal rights, care, entertainment, exploitation, pets, investigations.
Get your class thinking about fairness, teamwork, competition and more
Get your pupils thinking and talking about resilience, barriers, beauty and more
A fun picture book which can provoke big thinking
What will your class make of these contrasting images of children’s lives around the world?
Could preventing some children from having best friends help others?
Get your pupils thinking about the rights and wrongs of activism
Over 200 guides to help you do philosophy with children
Enquiry-based learning is fantastic, but has to be based on facts
Creating space for students to discuss challenging current events
Develop pupil thinking and gain insight into concerns