Oracy Ambassadors

It immediately raised the status of oracy.
— oracy lead, talking about the impact of Oracy Ambassadors

One way to give pupils the chance to develop and practise their oracy skills is to give them a special role: Oracy Ambassador. Give this role to different pupils throughout the year, on a rota, so that everyone has a turn. The idea is that Oracy Ambassadors have additional opportunities for purposeful talk, outside of lessons.

Oracy Ambassadors could be responsible for things like these:

  • greeting the class
    Good morning everybody. Today it is Friday 5th July. It is a lovely sunny day!

  • talking through the timetable each day
    Our first lesson today is maths, then after playtime we will do music, then…

  • reading out the daily question, thought or prayer
    Please listen carefully to our thinking question of the day…

  • speaking at assemblies and school events
    Welcome to our celebration assembly. Today we are focusing on…

  • leading games
    Please stand up everybody. We’re going to play…

  • delivering messages or announcements
    Hello everyone. I have an important announcement. Please remember to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom.

  • speaking on behalf of the class on trips
    On behalf of the class, I would like to say thank you for welcoming us to the library today…

  • welcoming visitors
    Good morning and welcome to our school. First we will tell you about…

  • acting as a befriender for new pupils
    Let me show you around our classroom…

“It builds people’s confidence!”

Pupil comments about being an Oracy Ambassador:

  • When it’s assembly, we go up to the front and say, ‘Welcome everybody!’ age 5

  • I’m an ambassador!  I do the register and the timetable.  I have to tell you what you’re doing today.  I stand in front of the class and I point, and I say what’s next. age 5

  • It’s fun to have an important job! age 6

  • We speak to visitors about what we’re doing in class!  age 8

  • I think it builds people’s confidence to feel good! age 9