Reading Talk – example of a Talk Frame
Bespoke talk frames are a great idea, and they can be created quickly with pen and paper. Here are some from Mark at Willow Tree Primary in Salford. He directs his students to use different talk frames in Reading, Spelling and Maths – with amazing effects.
Once pupils are used to them, it means they can really take ownership of the learning, including challenging and supporting each other, with very little need for teacher talk.
My top three strategies to make sure every pupil speaks during whole-class learning
The importance of positive, transparent systems for deciding who responds
Statements to get your class thinking and talking in the lead-up to the holidays
Three steps to help your class develop their listening skills
Ways to keep everyone engaged and develop the community of enquiry
What will happen when you remove the fear of being wrong?
Use talking points to get students thinking and talking about a painting
A great way of revisiting prior learning by speaking to different people
A detailed description including building, helping, sharing and working together