It helps me to be louder

Screengrab of a pupil giving her opinion in a pupil voice video

I wrote recently about a simple technique called The Volumiser, designed to improve classroom audibility.

Here is some pupil voice from the class that invented it. It’s fascinating to hear what the students say, and particularly interesting to discover that several of the ‘quiet children’ found it useful.


How do you feel when someone stands up when you are talking [to show that they can’t hear you]?

  • It can be annoying, because you have to get louder.

  • I disagree, because I need to try to be louder and so it helps.

  • It helps me be louder, so I’m ok with it.

  • I can feel interrupted, but then I know I need to be louder.

How do you feel being a Volumiser?  Why?

  • Happy, because I know everyone will hear.

  • It lets me help other people so they can be louder.

  • It’s easy to let someone know they are quiet.

  • I can help people improve their voice.

  • Before, when I couldn’t hear I got frustrated, but now I can stand up.

Let me know if you try this technique with your class.