This is a very simple technique which you can ask your students to use in whole-class talk: Check your class before you speak.
The idea is that pupils check that their peers are focused on them before they address the whole class. They can also give polite reminders where necessary.
The impact is huge. It immediately raises the status of pupil talk, it gives children ownership of the learning, and it often improves audibility because students suddenly realise that their peers need to hear what they say. Try asking your pupils: Check your class!
My top three strategies to make sure every pupil speaks during whole-class learning
A detailed description including building, helping, sharing and working together
It’s great that they are motivated to speak next, but are they really listening?
An inspiring podcast on using classroom talk in a rich and meaningful way
An oracy game, a mental workout, and an opportunity to practise respectful challenge
Pupil voice about whole-class talk in Reading lessons
The advantages of getting students to pass the talk to each other
Using an unexpected event as a P4C stimulus
Six things you can do to help pupils gain the skills and confidence to speak to a room full of people
How one Salford teacher has improved oracy in her classroom using The Volumiser!
Community-building activities which are good for wellbeing as well as vocabulary development