The Beanbag Game

A beanbag

If you’ve been on my training courses you may recognise The Beanbag Game. It’s great for community-building and getting used to speaking out loud to the group, plus it develops skills such as eye contact, turn-taking and collaboration.

I usually start by saying There are two rules for the game:

1) Always throw to the same person.

2) Say their name before you throw.

The basic idea is that, with everyone standing in a circle, the beanbag is thrown across the circle until everyone has had a go. This then continues, with everyone throwing to the same person each time, and saying their name loudly and clearly before they throw.

More beanbags…

A second and third beanbag can be introduced. At this point, there is often a buzz of excitement and an ensuing chaos! If things get a bit crazy, pause the game and ask if anyone has a tip for the group. Participants will often suggest to each other things like Look at the person who is throwing to you. Don’t rush – wait until you can tell they are ready.

Here are three other variations / extensions:

  • Let’s see if we can do it now without speaking.

  • Let’s see if we can do it in reverse order.

  • Let’s see how long it takes us to throw the beanbag to everyone. The group can then try to gradually beat their time.


After playing the game, I like to sometimes ask What skills is this game helping us practise or develop?