INSET, staff meetings and workshops
The Importance of Oracy
Pupil-to-pupil dialogue
Ensuring talk partners impacts on learning
Effective Teacher Talk
Expanding pupil vocabulary
Talk for teaching assistants
P4C (Philosophy for Children)
All training is evidence-based and practical.
Expanding Pupil Vocabulary
Research suggests children need at least six frequent encounters to assimilate new words. This course provides practical, easy-to-implement strategies for teachers to use every day.
Metacognition Made Simple
Thinking Moves A-Z one day accredited training
By naming 26 ways of thinking in a simple alphabetical structure - from looking Ahead to Zooming in or out – this course provides a new language for teachers and pupils to reflect on their own cognitive processes.
This language can be used across the curriculum to enhance thinking and deepen learning.
P4C (philosophy for children)
Training, advice and support including
Level 1 P4C (SAPERE accredited two day course)
P4C into writing (read more here: P4C can motivate children to write)
Talk for Teaching Assistants
Using talk skilfully to promote independent pupil learning.
Time for TAs to critically reflect on their own talk and the impact of it, learn how to use talk effectively to maximise impact on learning, plus practise strategies and techniques to promote pupil autonomy.
1-day course plus observations and half-day follow-up session
A full-day audit of the quality of staff and pupil talk (oracy) in your school. Analysis and tailored recommendations in a detailed report.
In-class coaching
To accelerate change, I provide in-class coaching, modelling and mentoring. I work alongside teachers to develop high quality talk and listening with their classes – teachers and pupils are often surprised how quickly positive change can occur.
Pupil Talk Prompts
Talk prompt cards can almost instantly transform talk. They can be displayed on classroom walls, be given out during talk activities, and used in small group interventions. I offer whole-school sets of age-appropriate A4 talk prompt cards in a handy pack.
whole school talk initiatives
Working with your team to embed lasting change. In addition to training, I provide in-class coaching, modelling and mentoring. I can help you develop a whole school pupil talk agreement, a whole school teacher talk pledge, and whole school pupil talk prompts.
“The talk project experience with Topsy has opened my eyes into what my children are ‘really’ doing and has provided me with an abundance of new skills and strategies I can use to ensure that every moment of lesson time is truly teaching AND learning time.”